Korn Shell Variable values difference

I am using two shell scripts a.ksh and b.ksh


  1. Sets the value
    export USER1=abcd1
    export PASSWORD=xyz

2. Second scripts calls sctipt a.ksh and uses the values set in a.ksh and pass to an executable demo
. /local/home/Scripts/a.ksh
echo $USER1
demo -user "${USER1}" -password "${PASSWORD}"

demo -user $'abcd1\r' -password $'xyz\r'

Problem is echo $USER1 and $PASSWORD both shows correct value as "abcd1" and "xyz",but when passed to demo executable it shows $'abcd1\r'. How to avoid these values when passed to external application.


Why do you think that the parameters are passed to the external program like this? Could you post the output of the following command:

ksh -xv ./b.ksh

Please put code inside [code] tags.

Did you edit a.ksh on a Windows box? When you do that, you must remove the carriage returns from the file before using it as a shell script.