korn shell - export function??


I have a question. I know that if I want to access any variables defined in a calling script (script1.ksh) in a called script (script2.ksh) I need to export that variable in the calling script to make it available in the called script. But what about the functions in the calling script?


export var1=InScript1
function todayDate
         echo $(date)


echo $var1

If I call the script1.ksh in script2.ksh then I can access all the functions & variables (without exporting) of script1.ksh like below:


. /home/dips/script1.ksh

If suppose I don't want to include the whole of the script1.ksh but want to access only parts of it as in few variables and a function then is it possible?

Put the functions in a separate file and source them from each script that requires them.