Konqueror disable IPv6

Does anyone know how to disable IPv6 in Konqueror in Fedora?

Either by re-compiling it without IPv6 support (which probably means re-compiling a whole lot of other KDE software too), or by disabling support at the kernel level.

So I assume the second way is easier? How would you do the second way?

Add this line in /etc/sysctl.d/disable-ipv6.conf (create the file if it doesn't exist):


For immediate effect run

sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/disable-ipv6.conf

The harder way would be to fetch the kernel sources, copying in the distributions .config file, disabling IPv6 in the config, compiling & installing the new kernel, and re-doing that every time Fedora releases a new kernel package.

I have to ask: why would you want to disable it?

Update: I just read that KDE honours an environment variable KDE_NO_IPV6 . Set it to "true", and it's disabled for all KDE programs, without affecting anything else.

I really don't. I need it when I go to a few of my friends houses. They have absolutely terrible ISP's and IPV6 won't work there. Firefox has a nice setting to deal with this, and chromium is smart enough to deal with, but most other browsers have no idea how to deal with this problem.