Know anything about wine?????

Please, for god's sake, if your going to refer me to a web site, please dont bother replying. I have visited all web sites concerning wine and I haven't seen one that quite solves the problem am having.

heres the situation:

I have a Linux Red Hat 7.2 and Windows 98 operating system. Now, I installed these two operating system on separate hard drives. I'm trying to run windows programs on linux. how is that possible?? how do I setup wine???

I tried running the wine program on my Linux system but I keep getting messages like "command not found" or "no such file or directory"

what should I do. Please, if there's a website that deals exactly, keyword (EXACTLY), with this problem, please send me there.

or if you can explain what I should do to set up wine on my system, please do. thanks

Get the development packages you need and install them properly. Get the source package and install it into a directory of your choice.

$ ./configure
$ make depend
$ make

If there are errors, ensure that you got all the packages you need, and ensure that the changes you made to the configure script work. For some errors you have to delete config.cache (or just do a make distclean) in the directory with the Wine source tree and try again...

$ sudo make install
$ sudo -c make install

If you succesfully make at this steps.. then you wont have problem to configure on it. And yet you need to check this website.
Do check it..

*For some Instructions that are quite large and more word dependents some of us might direct you to check webpages or suggest some url's. Actually there might have webpages with more information and wide large Tips and tricks.. Hope you do understand..
Pls post back if the above doesnt help much..


I really appreciate your effort in trying to help me.

See, I have Linux Red Hat 7.2 which is the latest version of Linux. Now, the program called wine already came with Linux. The problem am having now is how to configure wine. I dont have to download anything or get any software. The wine software is already on my system because it came with the Linux installation disk.

do you or anybody know how to handle this situation???

Thanx for the reply. Actually i can see your question. The full wine configuration on a system can be check over here.
The Configurations is fully defined at this site.
Post back if that webpage seems doesnt help much. Maybe some other users might help. But give a try on that webpage.


thanks for your effort

I just realized wine really isn't really the way to go. I noticed wine is only used to run specific programs from windows. you'd have to specify the name of the program to run. too much stress involved

what am really interested in is being able to work directly with every thing windows got to offer while at the same time working on linux. understand me??? I mean, say I'm working in linux and I want to switch to windows without having to reboot, what kinda program do I need to get???

what would you rather suggest I do???

If you went with VMWare, you could run each in a virtual "machine".

Or you could use CygWin if your primary OS is Windows, and you just want to "play" with Linux.

WINE will only allow you to run some programs - don't expect Word or Photoshop to run in it, and if it does, don't expect it to not be excruciatingly slow...

How much does this programs cost??? and are there any downsides to them??

VMWare starts at about $300 USD for the workstation edition, all the way up to several thousand for "mainframe class" versions. With this product, you could build a Windows machine on top of a Linux workstation, or a Linux workstation on top of Windows. You could essentially run any OS that would normally run on Intel hardware, if I understand correctly...

CygWin is absolutely free - the catch is that you have to download it. You can't buy a CD for it, that I know of.

There is also U/Win, and I briefly tried that one out. Beware though, that if you install it on a workstation that's on a large domain, it'll try to mirror user folders like it were a server. It was pretty obtrusive, but I have't tried it on a standalone machine...

Those are the three main choices that I know of...