Knoppix and an old Dell

Sorry if this post is in the wrong location. I'm trying to pull some files off of an old Dell box. I've not been able to get it to boot off of the HD, so I tried to use Knoppix. At boot time; I get the following error:

Loading spec packet failed, trying to wing it
isolinux 2.04: failed to locate cdrom; boot failed.

I imagine the problem is somewhere in the BIOS. Is there anything specific I should be looking for? I've already enable CD-ROM boot option in the bios. I can post the specs of the PC later this evening.

Does that Knoppix CD boot up ok in another computer? I have a feeling its the CD.

upgraded my BIOS from A4 to A5 on the Dell website. Works fine now. Just need to find some oooolllldddd RAM, and I'll be set.

For what it's worth now, I experienced the same problem with knoppix and gentoo 2005.0 installcd when trying to change the root password on a( dell optiplex )n ftp server I had assumed control of. Ensuring that the correct kernel image was selected and options were set seemed to be the answer in my case.