kill process of other users

Can I kill process submitted by another uesr (say user1) if I'm not the su. If I got some previledges granted from user1, can I kill user1's process? Please advise? Thank you very much!


User1 could create a suid program executable by you that would allow you to kill his program.

The suid concept has been discussed many times. Use our search function.

Thank you Perderabo!

I've just written a script mykill as:
kill -9 $1
Then I type "chmod 1777 mykill"
However the sticky bit was not set.
When I type "ll mykill" the permission is set to "-rwxrwxrwx" only.
Is there any system options set to prevent me from doing so? Please advise on how to bypass such option.


The sticky bit has nothing at all to do with the suid bit. You are setting the wrong bit. chmod 4777 verses chmod 1777. And some implementations of chmod may require that you do it symbolically.

And I said program, not script. A very few unix systems allow suid scripts, but most do not.

Hi Perderabo,
I've written a c program to do this. It works fine. Thank you very much for your advice!
