Kill all proceess with the name XXX

Hello guys,

I have a problem. How can i "kill -9" with the name process? I have a lot of process with the same name, but i do not want kill each one with the process ID. There is a comand to "kill -9" al process with name "XXXX".


Have a look at the pkill manpage.

Have a look if the command killall is available on your system.
Btw. kill -9 is a very bad idea and stopping lots of processes ungracefully without an opportunity for them to clean up before they die may cause trouble.

.. unless you are on HP-UX where killall means something quite different:

      killall is a procedure used by /usr/sbin/shutdown to kill all active
      processes not directly related to the shutdown procedure.

If you don't find any external command (pkill/killall), its so simple to have a loop or with the commands like xargs or similar.


kill -9 $( pidof XXXX )