kill a process initiated by crontab

I scheduled one script through crontab command and seems like it is hanging. I come to know this through the command 'ps -ef' whcih is showing me the program running, but no chances of it to take more than 2hrs to comlpete.

 I want to kill that process. I tried to kill it using the command 'kill PID'. PID\(listed in the command ps -ef\), but it is saying that, No such process....

 Can anybody suggest how to kill a process initiated from crontab? The process is running under uid related to my login\(that was the command ps -ef showing\).

 Your help is appreciated!


Is that showing as a defunct process ? You won't be able to kill a zombie as thats not a process


try the process..hope it will help you.

Kill -9 PID


issuing kill to the pid says "no such process" as said by the OP

so kill with -9 wont help really

yes, am also getting the same message while trying kill PID.
But sometimes it is successful. I think the issue is with the interdependency between the parent and child process.

Because my actual process is a perl script which inturn will call other perl script through backquotes operator. So may be i tried to kill the parent when the child is running!

Am not sure, is there any interdependency like that will matter?


There is no dependency between child and parent with respect to killing the process. When a child process is killed SIGCHLD would be delivered to the parent indicating that one of the child(s) is terminated and its an mechanism by which parent knows whether to wait for any of the child process to exit.

oh! ok, thanks for that information.So am not sure whats happenend in my scenario.

What about the reverse process? ie, terminating the parent while one or two child processes are running?

Will it automatically terminate the child process?
