Keyboard vs mouse

And it gives you RSI to boot!

Even in Windows it's possible to get about most of the time with the keyboard and it's easily 10 times quicker than with the mouse. It can be quite rewarding when people who only use the mouse are watching. I need to get out more!

I think I am really an IBM kind of girl - so I use my keyboard + the trackpoint of my IBM keyboards everywhere - for the HMCs, as keyboard for my PCs in the office and at home and on all notebooks I use - for everything, including gaming. My current notebook has a touchpad in addition which I hate and I do not even own a mouse so its all about the keyboard ... I think I touched the last mouse 1997 ...

Kind regards

The keyboard has more to offer

I've had a Mac for a couple of months now, and I must say that, for me, using the keyboard on Windows is much easier than on the Mac. There are just too many fangled key combinations on the Mac.

Half the time I'm too scared to try any of these combinations for fear of what might happen, where I'll end up, and how I get back from it.

But Apple being Apple did give us something wonderful - the Magic Mouse (TM) - to compensate. Which, as mice go, is a joy to use. A great device. I hear if you do a three-fingered karate-back-hand-chop-swipe, you can get Radio 2. Still working on that one!

Keyboard for me as well :smiley:

For a Unix forum the keyboard most definitly gets more votes!

I think this depends on what application you are using.
when I started using a new application on windows, we (at least I) as the first thing,definitely go to help and search for the keyboard shortcuts.
gmail, outlook are two of them.

if there is something mouse equivalent with keyboard for any application, we would surely prefer to use that. so for me, its keyboard.

on the other hand, for terminal, no doubt, vote for keyboard. :slight_smile:

Also no doubt, we used mouse for voting :stuck_out_tongue:

I definitely go with key board :slight_smile:

I use the mouse, but thats because I use Windows most because my Wi-Fi card has horrid Linux support ( BCM4312 ) and I haven't been able to convince my school to get a Linux-based system. Also, C#.

When I use Linux, I use the GUI for the network manager and browse teh interwebz. Otherwise, I use BASH

It all depends what you will be using if for. A keyboard if you will be typing a lot and mouse if you're just surfing. In order to be most productive you need both cause you can't type something with a mouse only.

Use the keyboard the most .


The broadcom-sta driver doesn't support it? I've always had good luck with it. In gentoo, anyway. In binary-only distros where you can't configure the kernel to its needs, it's broken more often than not. (It's weird how that ended up; I tried the fancy detect-everything-for-you distro, Ubuntu, and very little except graphics worked. It couldn't even turn the laptop off. Gentoo worked with most things first try, and things that didn't, could be fixed.)

mouse no more!

Wow. I have changed a lot since last year. I use keyboard shortcuts so much (Winkey+d, alt+tab, alt+arrow keys in google chrome for navigation, alt+f+o for opening, alt+f+x for closing, alt+f+s for save).

I even use ALT+F+S instead of CTRL+S because of DOS.

Prefer keyboard , but sometimes mouse is better solution

It depends on the task we are doing. Though, i'm sure that using keyboard more than mouse for my functions.

Mostly the people work with keyboard than mouse.

Windows can be keyboard-friendly. My working laptop have a WindowsXP geared with gnuwin32, bb4win. The application of heavy use is gvim and firefox, these 2 are controled by vim key-binding(Vimperator/Pentadactyl)

Many programs have keyboard shortcuts they don't tell you about. Try ctrl-1/2/3 for switching tabs in firefox

I use keyboard a lot, I'm not a unix or linux user (just a pro noob in unix/linux)
btw, My friend call me "Vahid Keyboard" LOL cuse i rather keyboard to mouse :wink: