Key mapping problem in qputty


I am using fgltty connection (which is actually qputty) to my AIX 6.1 server.
The problem is that PageUp and PageDown keys are not working and i cannot find a way to do the correct mapping for this issue. I read and tried many things that i saw in the web but nothing worked. Well actually everything was mentioned for putty and not qputty terminals and i dont know if there is too much difference between them.
I also tried the .exrc file to do my mapping but it doesnt seem to work either.
If there is anybody who knows a way to do it please do so because i dont know what else to do.

Thank you for your attention,
Stavros Tseriotis

What would you expect pageup and pagedown to do?

i would expect that pageup will go one page up (one page-screen before) and page down one page-screen after.
thank you