Keeping record of file 2 based on a reference file 1 in awk

I have 2 input files (tab separated):

make_A   1990   foo   bar
make_B   2010   this   that
make_C   2004   these   those


make_X   1970   1995   ref_1:43   ref_2:65
make_A   1970   1995   ref_1:4   ref_2:21   ref_3:18
make_A   1980   2002   ref_1:7   ref_2:7   ref_3:0   ref_4:9
make_B   2007   2009   ref_1:98
make_C   2000   2004   ref_1:34   ref_2:4   ref_3:0

I am trying to append records of file 2 to file 1 if:
1) $1 of file 1 and $1 of file 2 are the same
2) $2 of file 2 $2 of file 1 $3 of file 2
3) file 2 contains the value '0' for ref_3 (i.e. 'ref_3:0')

then to count the number of records in file 2 that matched these criteria.

in order to get:

make_A   1990   foo   bar   make_A   1980   2002   ref_1:7   ref_2:7   ref_3:0   ref_4:9
make_C   2004   these   those   make_C   2000   2004   ref_1:34   ref_2:4   ref_3:0

make_X   0
make_A   1
make_B   0
make_C   1

I tried the following, but it returns a blank output and I don't really understand why:

gawk '
    match($0, /ref_3\:[0-9]+/)
    if($1 in brand){
        if($2<=brand[$1] && brand[$1]<=$3 && b[ref_n]==0){
            print line[$1] FS $0
END{print "\nCount"; for(i in ref){print ref}}' file1.txt file2.txt

You aren't far off. Using your indentation style and making a few minor changes:

gawk '
    match($0, /ref_3\:[0-9]+/)
    if($1 in brand){
        if($2<=brand[$1] && brand[$1]<=$3 && b[ref_n]==0){
            print line[$1] FS $0
END{print "\nCount"; for(i in ref){print i,ref+0}}' file1.txt file2.txt

seems to do what you want. The problems in your code were:

  1. The biggest problem is that (even though you said your input files had tab separated fields), there are no tabs in either of your input files. The fields in your input files and in the output you said you wanted are separated by three space characters,
  2. brands that did not have any matched lines were not added to the ref[] array,
  3. the reference counts array ( ref[] ) was treated as a scalar when you incremented its value, and
  4. when you printed the counts, you only printed the count, not the array index and the count.

Changes to fix those minor issues are marked in red in the code above.

Note that your specification wasn't clear as to whether there should only be one output line for each brand if there are multiple input lines meeting your constraints or one output line for each input line meeting your constraints. The code above produces one output line for each input line in file2.txt that meets the constraints.

Note also that the order of the counts at the end of the output is in random order. Additional changes would be required if you need to have the output order of those line match the order in which each brand was first found in file2.txt (as it was in your sample output specification).

You might also want to compare the above with the following:

gawk '
BEGIN {	FS = OFS = "   "
NR == FNR {
	brand[$1] = $2
	line[$1] = $0
{	ref[$1]
	if($1 in brand && $2 <= brand[$1] && brand[$1] <= $3 &&
	    $0 ~ / ref_3:0( |$)/) {
		print line[$1] FS $0
END {	print "\nCount"
	for(i in ref)
		print i, ref+0
}' file1.txt file2.txt

which produces the same output using a single if statement instead of a call to match() , a call to substr() , a call to split() and two if statements.

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Thanks for your clear explanation Don Cragun ! I understand now.