keeping 10 process running at the same time

Hi guys,
I neet to run sqlldr to charge about 50,000 files every day to my DWH, so I need to make an script to keep about 100 processes of sqlldr running at the same time.

So, the issue is that i've been trying for a few days to make an script which can keep that amount of processes running, so when a process or a sqlldr is done another one start automatically until all files have been charged.

Any idea?


How about a parent script possessing the counter for number of files... and initiating child processes using fork .... wait for unix signals from the child processes. Upon reception of successful unix signal from child, increment the counter and create another child process until you have reached the max count.

or may be use grand parent as you need to run 100 processes (more manageable code)

If you'd used a 'Search' function of these forums, you'd have found plenty of similar thread. This one among the many.