JVM Process Name

Hi -

In AIX, how do I find the Java Virtual Machine Process Name running on a particular machine?

I tried

ps -ef | grep java

but it does not return a process name.

Please help.

then you have to explain what you mean with "Java Virtual Machine Process Name", because the command above does exactly, what you asked for.

The command returns

../jre/bin/java -Djetty.home=.. -Djetty.port=xxxx -Djetty.ssl.port=yyyy -Xms100m -Xmx128m -cp ../lib/startAlt.jar org.mortbay.start.Main jettyBrowser.xml

Surely, the JVM process name is not called

. That's what I meant by

ps -ef | grep java

not returning a process name.

how should it be "called" from your point of view? and now I have one more question - what do you mean under "called" in this sentence?

I can read your sentence

with at least 2 completely different meanings. If you say to me, what you suppose to find, I may be help you to find it.


how agent.kgb already said, it is not clear what are you looking for.

I guess You mean the output from the ps command. Have You tried ps -e | grep java or ps -eo comm,args | grep java ?


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