Just getting started

Can anyone tell me what the command Banner means or does


banner "string" Prints a banner containing string

banner command does the same as echo only in big words.

banner unix this will display unix in large letter on the screen

I have now seen what the banner command is, now I just need to put it into action.

I want to write a shell script "it works," in a file that I have named "fun."

Thanks for the last reponse.

Gibby 9

Is this by any chance a homework question, or any other assignment?

This looks similar to something in one of the HP Intro to Unix coursebooks...

I promise you that this is not a homework question. I am trying to get myself up to speed with unix due to some cut backs at my place of employement. I have a few books and I mananged to figure out how to get my banner command to work. I am using this site strictly as a learning tool. Also, the UNIX admin I work under suggested that I post any and all questions that I may have.
