Just did something so stupid...

Firstly I'm learning shell scripting and I came across this example in Classic Shell Scripting

dirpath=`eval echo '${'"$envvar"'}' 2>/dev/null | tr : ' ' `

And I immediately became perplexed as to how $envvar gets expanded in between the surrounding single quotes, until 20 minutes later i realized that there are two SETS of single quotes on both sides of the double quotes.

I keep making these type of silly errors. I absolutely love learning automation, but damn that made me feel stupid. 20 minutes.....

Was maybe not your day... it happens to us all at some time...

Yeah thanks. I need to learn to stop grouping text in my mind as If I'm reading ordinary grammar. ( if that makes sense).

Back at it again today. Next example in the book in much more advanced. Taking it line by line!