Just can't turn off ipv6?

I'm running a Linux OS that uses Debian as it's base. A commercial vpn is installed that uses OpenVPN. For some reason, I can't get ipv6 to tunnel properly .... and Ipleak.net shows that my location is being unmasked by ipv6.

I've tried kernel commands at boot, I've tried sysctl.conf commands. Just can't get ipv6 to go away and stay away during boot. So far have several hours of search time in it.

Any thoughts on a workable solution??

Can you show us the output from:-

uname -a
ifconfig -a
more /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* | cat

If there is nothing in those that is setting it, then it may be getting forced by the VPN software, which you don't tell us much about.

Would you not need an IPv6 definition to be able to use IPv6 tunnelling? Are you trying to prevent IPv6 access entirely or just heavily restrict it? I'm confused in your requirement.

Thanks, in advance,

Thanks for the response. The OS became so unstable that it would not boot. Finally, I ended up reloading the OS today. I'm on a different distro now.

When I installed the VPN, I had disabled ipv6 and verified by ipleak.net that the system was stealth. Days later, ipv6 made it off the machine. I caught it when a routine check of ipleak.net reported that I was being unmaked by ipv6. As my VPN was not tunneling ipv6, I was just attempting to turn it off.

I still very much a newbie and making lots of mistakes. I'll finish the config of this machine tomorrow or the next day and see if the problem returns.

Best to you.