JUmpstart on a pc


i was wondering if you can jumpstart using the solaris intel platform? please help thanks

I'm not sure too, but I know you can do an install from the Network, so maybe JumpStart is possible too. But one thing is you still have to stick the boot floppies in the PCs to boot up with before you can begin the network install.

hi. doeboy

When you say net install from the network are you saying like mounting another computer resource and install it from there.. If you can elaborate alittle more that be really cool.. When i find more information on this jumpstart i just post it up.. hey doeboy thanks for your reply..

Well a network install would be like a regular install, except that you are getting the install binaries from a machine on the network instead of reading it off a CD. Other than that, it's basically the same as a regular one-time install. :o

A Jumpstart scenario however, would be somewhat like an unattended setup method for setting up many machines with the same baseline configuration (more for system rollouts and stuff like that).

Both scenarios will involve more than one machine.

I hope this is what you were looking for. :smiley: