Jumpstart Issues Solaris 10

I'm trying to jumpstart my remote server. My /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers files have the correct data. Keep getting the following message at the ok prompt
after running a boot net - install

Link hasn't comeup yet

Ran a test-net and got the following message.

Link is -- down

When bringing up the host server that Im trying to jumpstart, the network connection is fine both ways. Can anyone provide any insight to this?

have you run the script "add_install_client" to setup /etc/bootparams file?

Are you running a direct 1-cable connection between the server and client or do you route through a switch or other network device?

The two servers are networked together through switches. The bootparms file has all the correct information about the server to be jumpstarted.

do you have more than one network interfaces? maybe you try to boot from the wrong nic... test this with:

ok show-nets
ok cd /path/to/your/nic
ok .properties

and check the mac you find with .properties with the one in your ethers file. also check the obp setting for local-mac is set to "true".

This might be a duplex issue. If the host is not setting its speed and duplex correctly at the OK prompt then we'd see these link down issues. I recommend allowing auto-negotiate at the switch.
The best way to confirm or rule-out this theory is to try a jumpstart with the two servers directly connected.

are these on the same network segment? its not clear if they are or not.

Got to check also for the network you using is internal or card? Both have their own mac add. I facing 1 problem before when at ok i type banner, then I just copy the mac but can't use. so I just run boot net directly n show difference mac. so I use it n it work. but must make sure the add-install-client setup correctly.