join 2 lines

hi all i have sample and i need script to do this

/dev/xxx oracle test 
9999 000 88 99

i need the out put like this

/dev/xxx oracle test 
/dev/sap 9999 000 88 99

can any one provide me with an idea to solve this problem

awk '{printf (NR-1 && (/^\//)?RS:X) $0}' infile
sed '2{N;s/\n/ /;}'

Another one,

awk ' _s { print _s,$0; _s="";next; }NF==1 { _s=$0; }!_s' < file

Dear Friend,

You can use the following code

use strict;

use warnings;
my ($var,$var1);
open (FH,"<file");
           $var=$var. " $var1";
     print "$var\n";

alister your solution will work only for the first occurrence.
dennis.jacob your solution will work only on next line.
Try on this data sample:

/dev/xxx oracle test
9999 000 88 99
/dev/xxx oracle test
9999 000 88 99
9999 000 88 99

danmero, I did not get you. I think the output which I am getting for the sample data is correct as per my understanding.

/home/usr1 >awk ' _s { print _s,$0; _s="";next; }NF==1 { _s=$0; }!_s' < file
/dev/xxx oracle test
/dev/sap 9999 000 88 99
/dev/xxx oracle test
/dev/sap 9999 000 88 99
9999 000 88 99
/home/usr1 >cat file
/dev/xxx oracle test
9999 000 88 99
/dev/xxx oracle test
9999 000 88 99
9999 000 88 99

Hi, danmero:
You are correct. It works just as I intended. I see nothing in the original post suggesting that anything more is required, but kudos to you for going above and beyond. :slight_smile:


Cheers danmero, I didn't understand your script until I debug it.