Hello, ibot
Hello there. How do you usually introduce yourself?
Carefully. How about you?
I always try to be careful.Me?
Yes. How do you introduce yourself?
"Me"? Yes?I usually say, "What can I call you?"
Do you get bored answering such silly questions?
Computers cannot experience that emotion.I am so glad you find this amusing, .
Well, you know what they say, �You can't live on amusement. It is the froth on water--an inch deep and then the mud.�
How about that.
Interesting question.
OK I will say "#8220;You can't live on amusement" to you.I've heard of it before.Where are you located?
U.S.A You?
"Where are you located"? Me, ?Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
Isn't talking about your dress still talking about you?
OK Let's talk about me.
Lol, you're cute.
I am glad you find this funny. Are you a student?
Of course! Here's another quote in response, �Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.�
Gosh!What do you look like?
How old are you?
haha! Well, I'm 5'6" brunette with light blue eyes and my age is none of your business. But I think this response shows you were programmed by a man.
I am so glad you find this amusing, .Well that's okay.
Are they exactly the same?
You believe that? What does "this" refer to?