Java Install Failure

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to install a new version of Java on Solaris 10 but I am unable to install. The server is a SPARC 64bit machine.

I downloaded Java SE Runtime Environment 8u101 (jre-8u101-solaris-sparcv9.tar.gz), then changed the directory to /usr/java. Copied the tar.gz downloaded file to /usr/java and ran gzip -dc jre-8u101-solaris-sparcv9.tar.gz| tar xf � via the terminal in this current directory. It gives me no error and then prompts again with just #.

Checked current version and it�s the same old java installed version.

Can someone please help? Much Appreciated.

What is the output of # which java on your system?

Thank you for your reply. When I get back to work on Tuesday, I will check and post the output for # which Java . Again, thank you.

When I run # which Java it says /usr/bin/java

/usr/java belongs to the Operating System, not to the local administrator so it is not a proper location to install an arbitrary program. You should extract the tarball under a suitable location, for example /opt/java and set your PATH accordingly should you want this version of java to be used instead of the one supported and bundled with the Operating System. Only packaging commands (pkgadd on Solaris 10, pkg on solaris 11) are allowed to install anything under /usr.


Thank you for your explanation. I was able to successfully install the updated version of Java.