Java File Chooser customization

I am trying to add some other things onto the standard file chooser. I would like to have something like this at the bottom of the file chooser (underneath the Select and Cancel buttons). I will try to make this as legible as possible:

File Name:
File Type:
[RIGHT]Select Cancel[/RIGHT]

A list or something of the sort that can only have one value selected:


2 checkboxes that can both or neither or either one be checked:


I can do the sorts,plots,both part in a different dialog box like this:

Object[] possibilities = {"Create PDS sorts file (.txt)", "Create PDS plots file (.ps)", "Create both sorts and plots files"};

String s = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,null,"Batch Parameters",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,null,possibilities,possibilities[0]);

I really want this to appear on the file chooser dialog box. It doesn't have to be in the list type thing that it is in, but that would be nice.

I have found something called setAccessory, but I don't really understand how it works.

Any help would be great. Thanks.


Please find more information from the following resources. One of them gives you an example of how to extend a JFileChooser.

Customizing JFileChooser
Customizing JFileChooser and Best Practices in Exception Handling Tech Tips