Issues with awk and tcsh

Hello experts,

I have two files which I'm uploading. One is an awk script and other file acts as an input to the script via positional parameter.

awk -f intlmenu.awk jobsq.txt

This run fine in C shell on SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7.

When I run it on Solaris 10 ( tcsh shell )

I get the following error

awk -f intlmenu.awk jobsq.txt

awk: string too long near line 103
awk: syntax error near line 103
awk: illegal statement near line 103
awk: newline in string near line 103

The 103 line in intlmenu script is as follows

 printf "echo \"Data File Start `head -1 %s.qca | awk -f /ychw/accts/firstlast.awk`  Datafile End `tail -1 %s.qca | awk -f /ychw/accts/firstlast.
awk` \" >>/tmp/$UETIME.txt  \n",project,project >> OutFile

I suspect it is due to the c/tcsh shell's behavior since it complains about "Unmatched .".I have tried various combinations but have failed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The desired output is as follows


 1) /cati/meat/live/meatlive     2) /cati/bexp/live/bexplive
 3) /cati/fran/live/franlive     4) /cati/govt/live/govtlive
 5) /cati/deak/live/deaklive     6) /cati/mwir/live/mwirlive
 7) /cati/kely/live/kelylive     8) /cati/vcfn/live/vcfnlive
 9) /cati/melt/live/meltlive    10) /cati/msmi/live/msmilive
11) /cati/star/12w3/star12w3    12) /cati/star/boo3/starboo3
13) /cati/oztam/r12w4/main/rztm12w4     14) /cati/oztam/r12w4/ref/rztmref
15) /cati/oztam/r12w4/6ccb/rztm6ccb     16) /cati/oztam/r12w4/nesl/rztmnesl
17) /cati/oztam/r12w4/6unres/rztm6unr   18) /cati/oztam/12w4/main/oztm12w4


Thanks In advance


The underlying shell has likely nothing to do with it.

On Solaris I would use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk or nawk.

Try that first, before changing what might not be broken.

I have used nawk and it worked fine. It is a migration project from Sco to Sun. It never occurred be about using nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk. Once again thanks a million.