Issue with tar command

Hi all,

I have a folder that I am trying to tar ut is leading to unexpected results.

Ive written a script that find a certain number of files(logs) with specific names older than 14 days, moves them to a folder and compresses that folder.

_DAILY=/opt/test/archived_logs/logs_$(date +"%Y_%m_%d")

cd $_BASE/$i/log
find $_BASE/$i/log \( -name "*out.*" -o -name "*log.*" -o -name "event-runtime-*" -o -name "event-[0-9]*" -o -name "upload-trace-*" -o -name "pmm-[0-9]*" \) -mtime +14 -exec mv {} $_DAILY \;

tar -zcvf $_DAILY.tar.gz $_DAILY

The find commands returns me a number of log files and places them into $_DAILY .

The problem that I am seeing is that when I untar the file created by the end, I have to go down further directories like:

[user@server archived_logs]$ ls -tlrh
total 12K
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 5.8K Apr 14 15:05 logs_2015_04_14.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4.0K Apr 14 15:55 opt

[user@server archived_logs]$ pwd

[user@server archived_logs]$  cd opt/test/archived_logs/logs_2015_04_14

[user@server archived_logs]$ file opt/ericsson/archived_logs/logs_2015_04_14
opt/test/archived_logs/logs_2015_04_14: ASCII English text, with very long lines

how can I remove the path (opt/test/archived_logs) created ?

Secondly the initial folder contains a number of log files. But when I untar the file, I only have one file in it rather than a number of log files.

Any idea what I am doing wrong ?

tar by default extracts to the cwd extended by the original path with the leading / removed. There may be an option to modify that, c.f. man tar .
Are you sure that _DAILY exists and is a directory when doing your find? If not, every new file will overwrite the last one leaving one single file behind.

try like this

tar -zcvf $_DAILY.tar.gz --exclude="$_DAILY.tar.gz" -C $_DAILY .