Issue with SSH key

Hello All ,

I am trying to set up the keys to login seamless on to two diff environment server(s).

i used to have it couple of years back , but somehow never worked and didn`t concentte much , but when i want to setup again . facing a challange while copying the id_rsa.pubfile to authorized_keys .

diff authorized_keys

I have used this link

server1 , i have below contents

authorized_keys  authorized_keys2  authorized_keys_back  id_dsa  known_hosts  old_authorized_keys2

and server2 i see as below

authorized_keys  authorized_keys2  authorized_keys_back  id_dsa  known_hosts  old_authorized_keys2

I hope i am clear on my questions , can someone help ?

Do you wish to login in both directions (server1 > server2 and server2 > server1 ) without password ?

What issues are you having after key exchange ?
In the mentioned link, the key exchange is done one way not both.

If you have RSA generated, a simple one-liner could do the job, presuming permissions on $HOME $HOME/.ssh and content are in order.

Take a look at this post, or even entire topic, since user has similar question(s) :

What version of openssh do you have in the machine which you are trying to connect to, via keys? The command rpmquery openssh will tell you, if in a RedHat comparable system, or maybe ssh -v .
If you have an openssh lower than version 3 , the following rules apply for the machine that you are trying to connect to:
$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2 to permit authentication for RSA with protocol SSH 1.3 and 1.5.
$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys to permit authentication for DSA and RSA with protocol SSH 2.0.

Hello All ,

the issue was with the home directory (home dir CANNOT be group writable) of mine having 775 and change to 755 which resolved the issue .

can someone close this thread , i am not sure how to do that .

Threads are not closed (will be done much later) but marked "solved" in the thread tags. Which I did for you.