Issue with File Permissions

one of the business users is ftping files into unix box using user name ftp_user, where as i am using infa_user to login into same unix box. When i am trying to access those or copy over those files from upload directory it says permission denied.
Though i know the password of ftp_user to manually go to that directory and update the permissions for that particular file. But it has to be automated, i mean when ever the user places or ftpies the files to the upload directory using ftp_user as username the file permissions should be applied automatically to able infa_user to access those files. Could you please me help on this.

Present File permissions:


Expected File Permissions:


Thanks a lot!

While posting you make sure to provide vendor/version of complained software.
Anywyas for time being you can look for "umask" related configuration in either ftp server or .profile/.bash_profile/...

You can give a limited mask of permissions with the ftp command "site umask 022" for example. Usually you can not set execute bits on most Unix/Linuxes via this afaik. I had problems that some ftpd seemed to not even recognize it. Gotta try out I guess.

sorry about not providing the environment details. Below is the complete name and version of Unix OS

SunOS etlq1 5.9 Generic_118558-36 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240

By the way we added the .profile with the "umask" option but still when ever business user ftpies or places a file the other could not able to access it. Could you please tell me what should i do does the username who places the files and other username which access it should belong to the same group. I am naive to unix please guide me.

vi .profile
#       This is the default standard profile provided to a user.
#       They are expected to edit it to meet their own needs.

umask 022

No, not the umask in the .profile of the user... I said there is a ftp command called "site" with which you can try to set the umask as user doing the transfer. Also check out your ftpd's options or config file.