Is possible to start Xserver in a domain of E25K without graphics card?


I need to start the Xserver process in a domain of a E25K which has installed Solaris 8, however this domain doesn't have installed a graphic card, is this possible? Or is there any way to emulate this process?

In fact I don't know how to stop or start the Xserver process, is with this command?

# /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun :0 

Thanks a lot!!!

you don't need a graphic card for X on solaris. but the graphical part has to be installed. please check which software cluster is installed on your server in the file:

cat /var/sadm/system/admin/CLUSTER

on solaris 8 you can start the graphical login with "/etc/rc2.d/S99dtlogin start" but if not modified, this should happen by default!

You don't need a graphic card for X clients to run. The Xserver itself requires either a real graphic card, a remote one (sunrays), a remote (or local) X server ( Xnest) or a simulated one (Xvfb, Xvnc, Xprt).

Ok, thanks for your help...

According with your answers I understood is that I won't be able to start Xserver if I don't have any graphics card or another aditional software that help me to emulate this...

If I install a graphic card how do I start o restart the process o Xserver on Solaris 8?

With this command is correct?

 /usr/dt/bin/Xsession -display <workstation IP>:0 &

The Xcliente could be restarted with this command?

 /etc/init.d/dtlogin [stop|start]

please read all input! you don't need a graphic card and you don't need additional software if you installed solaris with the right softwarecluster. without the graphical part of the os you need to install the missing packages OR use additional software.
and you need a XDMCP client for graphical login via network... or another proper client if you use 3rd party software (vnc...).


You partly misunderstood my reply.
It would help if you explain why you want to start an X server without a graphic card in the first place.

If you install a graphic card, you first need to configure X11 to use the correct driver. After that, the X server will start and restart automatically
if you choose to.