Is it possible to install RHEL 7 on top of RHEL 6?


We have RHEL 6.7 on an HP physical server and want to install RHEL 7 (not upgrade) on top of it by means of virtualization. Is it possible to install/configure RHEV/KVM virtualization on base RHEL 6.7 OS instance and then install RHEL 7 as a VM guest on it? If yes, could you please guide me in the right direction to achieve it?

Many thanks!


You should be able to do this as follows;

# yum install qemu-kvm qemu-img
# yum install virt-manager libvirt libvirt-python python-virtinst libvirt-client

There may be other required packages depending on your installation, but the installer should find them.

Then all you should be doing is installing RHEL as a guest VM.



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