Is it possible to combine these two PS1 examples?

I need to have the following joined if possible. Any help would be appreciated.

1st PS1 is for current working directory and color in ksh88.

PS1=$(printf "\033[46;31m%s@\033[1;33m%s:\033[1;34m\$PWD \033[0m \033[1;33m\$date\033[0m \$" $(logname) $(hostname))

2nd PS1 is for the time in ksh88.

date '+%H %M %S' | read H M S
SECONDS=$((S + 60*(60*H+M)))
PS1='${DUMMY[((S=(100+$SECONDS%60))+(M=(100+($SECONDS/60)%60))+(H=(100+($SECONDS/3600)%24)))*0]:-} ${H#1}:${M#1}:${S#1} $ '

Try this:

date '+%H %M %S' | read H M S
SECONDS=$((S + 60*(60*H+M)))
PS1='${DUMMY[((S=(100+$SECONDS%60))+(M=(100+($SECONDS/60)%60))+(H=(100+($SECONDS/3600)%24)))*0]:-}'$(printf "\033[46;31m%s@\033[1;33m%s:\033[1;34m\$PWD \033[0m \033[1;33m\${H#1}:\${M#1}:\${S#1}\033[0m \$" $(logname) $(hostname))

That worked perfectly. Can I ask one more? How can I keep the color of the letters the same, but remove the highlighting which is a light blue color.

You just need to switch the ANSI Color code from "cyan-background; red" to "default-background; red" or "high-intensity; red"

i.e. Replace printf "\033[46;31m in the above with printf "\033[49;31m or printf "\033[1;31m