
Thanks in advance

I have to remove ip_tables_name from /proc/net/...

i was trying to do so and getting the following error

cmd : rm ip_tables_names

error : rm: remove regular empty file `ip_tables_names'? y
rm: cannot remove `ip_tables_names': Operation not permitted

Please post exactly what you wish to accomplish with erasing ip_tables_name.

proc is a filesystem that allows user-space access to some kernel variables, you can't delete anything there.

If you wish to clear iptables, just run:

iptables -F
iptables -Z
iptables -X
iptables -F -t nat
iptables -Z -t nat
iptables -X -t nat
iptables -F -t mangle
iptables -Z -t mangle
iptables -X -t mangle

yes i know we cant remove anything from /proc..

but i have to know which process makes the file to be present in the /proc/net/ip_tables_name

this file is there in the /proc directory due to some process running (i dont know due to which process this file is present in the proc/net directory )

Therefore i just would like to say that i just want to remove the process due to which the file is present in /proc/net directory

The "process" you're looking for is called "kernel". As redoubtable said, /proc is a virtual file system used to provide user space access to the kernel. As soon as your kernel loads the Netfilter code (either compiled in or via module) that file is going to appear.

You should remove NetFilter from your kernel and recompile it, for knowing how to, google linux kernel compilation.