IP setting changes after server reboot

I've recently changed my gateway setting using SMIT. Everything went fine except that the gateway setting kept reverting back to the old one everytime I reboot the server.

I'm on AIX 5.2 running p-Series. Thanks for any info.


I had got a similar problem under gentoo linux.
I compiled and set up everything on my own, and so i did with the networksettings.


ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x broadcast x.x.x.x. netmask x.x.x.x. up


route add default gw x.x.x.x

I had to do that on every startup as root.

If I understood you right you already did that (or maybe you made the entries manually in /etc/conf.d/net.)

Afterwards you'll have to add those settings to the default runlevel.
You'll do so with

# rc-update add net.eth0 default

That simply should do the trick if i understood you.... :o

The gateways get "stuck" sometimes in AIX. Makes no sense. I just delete the network interface completely, and reconfigure it from scratch.

rmdev -dl en0
smitty tcpip


Thanks for the help.