IO Stats

Aix 5.3 I am trying to view the IO stats. I do the sar 5 5 but that is the WIO and si different than the IO stats right? I am just blanking on this. I know there is a command that I used to run that brings up a whole bunch of live stats that run live such as mem and so on just can't rememeber what it is.
Thanks for any help

Perhaps filemon?

Not sure when I look at that output what the IO protion is? IO per second for a application called SXE is what I am tring to get.

try topas or nmon

Either what frank already suggested or "iostat". Syntax is similar to vmstat and you might want to pipe into grep to get only certain disks.

For instance:

iostat 1 | grep "hdisk2[0-9]" | more

will sample in 1-second-intervals until interrupted (^C) and only show hdisk20-hdisk29.

Beware when interpreting busy-rates (the "tm_acct%" column): 100% does NOT mean that the disk is at its limit!

There is a sensor which queries the disk in regular intervals. If the disk is busy at the time the query takes place it answers "busy", otherwise "idle". by totalling and comparing the two numbers the "tm_acct%" is calculated. 100% might therefore either mean that the disk is at its capacity limit OR that the disk is getting a lot of small requests, which makes it always busy, but not to its full I/O-bandwidth capacity.

I hope this helps.