Invoking Oracle stored procedure in unix shell script

Here's a shell script snippet.....

Retval=`sqlplus -s <<eof
whenever SQLERROR exit 2 rollback
whenever OSERROR exit 3 rollback
set serveroutput on
set pages 999
var status_desc char(200)
var status_code number
exec p_tpdb_mv_refresh('$1', :status_code, :status_desc);
echo $Retval

:status_code, :status_desc are declared as output variables in the PL/SQL procedure where they're assigned values. How to retreive the values they store in the shell script ?


Can any one send me the shell scripts for running stored procedures in oracle.Please send me explination for the shell script also.Because i dont know any thing about shell scripting .But it is important for me to my job
Please help me .........

With Regards
S.V .Poorna Prasad