Interupt Context Switching

If suppose a middle level interrupt is being serviced and a high priority interrupts comes in then in that case what all process will take place.

The interrupt context switch will happen. But where will the interrupt context be saved?
Is there something called as part process data area?

What operating system?


It is called the interrupt stack - If it is indeed an interrupt. Interrupts are initiated by kernel mode drivers, and push the user and kernel stacks of the interrupted process onto a kernel-maintained interrupt stack.

An example is the the tcp protocol (which is called a stack but is more like a tower). It generates an interrupt whenever the internal tcp buffers require action, for example.

This interrupt stack activity is one of the reasons why x86 Linux performs much better on multicore boxes. Other processes can keep on grinding when there is an interrupt.

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Thanks Jim for the reply.
Can you pls provide me some good link for detailed explaination for the same.

Recently some one said me the interrupt context gets saved in something called as part process data area(ppda).
But on net I did not found about ppda?
Is there really anything like this?