Internet setup on Solaris 10

Hi all, I have setup Solaris 10 OS on my home Sparc (Blade 1500) box. I also setup CDE (Common Desktop Environment).

The box has Network card with 6 connections available for Internet, So I hooked up a hard-wired link from my router to the first slot. The light is green on both ends.

Now, how do I set this up so it works and can browse the Net with it? Does CDE have any GUI setup for it? If not, can you please let me know manual instructions on how to recognize the port and make Internet work on it.

P.S. Additionally, when I boot the machine, it still goes to the OK prompt and does not go to CDE login menu! (I have to type "boot disk" for it to go back and start on CDE), does anyone know why that is?


I cannot recall the network scripts, but for your P.S. I recall from the time I had a blade to play with you need to set auto-boot. I think you need to set boot device as well.

set boot-device disk cdrom net
set auto-boot? true
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for your internet problem use the search function or scroll down to the bottom of this page.

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