Internal error

Dear experts,

please inform when i am trying to use dbx to debug my code,

iam getting following error:

internal error: expected member attribute 's', 'p', 'r' or 'b', found '__vbpQ2_3std9basic_iosXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc__:__vbpQ2_3std9basic_iosXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc__:143,64,64;cur:__vbpQ2_3std13basic_ostreamXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc__:144,128,64;uN145;uN146;uN138;uN161;uN163;uN79;uN80;uN81;uN164;u[fi:__ls__Q2_3std13basic_ostreamXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc__Fi:191;u[fi:flush__Q2_3std13basic_ostreamXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc__Fv:209;;'
what this internal error indicate,
please inform

Send the error to IBM support and open a software call. This doesn't look like something which can be answered here and is a bug more likely.

I remember the "stack underflow" bug in dbx in version 5.3 ML5, which was corrected in ML6. It looked similarly cryptic when it occurred.

I hope this helps.
