%Internal DCE Threads problem (version CMA BL10+)

I have a module by the name gateway, and it core dumps and gives a cma_dump.log file which says:

%Internal DCE Threads problem (version CMA BL10+), terminating execution.
% Reason: dispatch: no available VP (uniprocessor)
The current thread is 3 (address 0x40107c40)
DECthreads scheduling database is locked.
Current threads:
Thread default thread (400f4d40) 1 : blocked
  No current vp
  Join: mutex 400fa3f0 (21), cv 400fa440 (2)
  Sync. wait: mutex 400fa490 (22), cv 400fa4e0 (3)
  Start function 0 (0)
  Thread's last errno was 0
  Waiting on 52  4010c490
  Scheduling: priority 12, policy throughput
  Stack: 7b03b570 (default stack)
  Alerts: none pending, general delivery enabled, asynch delivery disabled
Thread null thread (40104338) 2 : blocked
  No current vp
  Join: mutex 40104a40 (121), cv 40104a90 (5)
  Sync. wait: mutex 40104ae0 (122), cv 40104b30 (6)
  Start function 400b1ae2 (0)
  Thread's last errno was 0
  Waiting on 34  4010a578
  Scheduling: priority 0, policy idle
  Stack: 40146a70 (base = 40145000, guard = 4015b000) [<-SP]
  Alerts: none pending, general delivery enabled, asynch delivery disabled
Thread <USER> (40107c40) 3 : blocked
  Current vp is 0
  Join: mutex 40108348 (136), cv 40108398 (23)
  Sync. wait: mutex 401083e8 (137), cv 40108438 (24)
  Start function 400b06c2 (40136b60)
  Thread's last errno was 0
  Waiting on 24  40108438
  Scheduling: priority 12, policy throughput
  Stack: 4015f4a0 (base = 4015e000, guard = 40174000) [<-SP]
  Alerts: none pending, general delivery enabled, asynch delivery disabled
Thread <USER> (40109e20) 4 : blocked
  No current vp
  Join: mutex 4010a528 (188), cv 4010a578 (34)
  Sync. wait: mutex 4010a5c8 (189), cv 4010a618 (35)
  Start function 400b06c2 (402214f0)
  Thread's last errno was 0
Waiting on 35  4010a618
  Scheduling: priority 12, policy throughput
  Stack: 40177f80 (base = 40177000, guard = 4018d000) [<-SP]
  Alerts: none pending, general delivery enabled, asynch delivery disabled
Mutex default attr's mutex (40119d60) 1, type fast, unlocked
Mutex attr sequence object (400f9db0) 2, type fast, unlocked
Mutex known attr list (400f9e00) 3, type fast, unlocked
Mutex mutex sequence object (400f9e50) 4, type fast, unlocked
Mutex known mutex list (400f9ea0) 5, type fast, unlocked
Mutex global lock (400f9ef0) 6, type recursive, unlocked
Mutex global's internal lock (400f9f40) 7, type fast, unlocked
Mutex VM, small (400f9f90) 8, type fast, unlocked
Mutex VM, medium (400f9fe0) 9, type fast, unlocked
Mutex VM, large (400fa030) 10, type fast, unlocked

Am not quite sure as to why this problem occurs, and while trying to debug with dde(which am not familiar with, agn), this is what I see:

dde> tb
Thread 3 static SelectThread::StartThrea       BLOCKED
`thread(3)\`main(17):  Stopped at: kill+0010 (002B2608)
`thread(3)\`main(16):  Called from: cma__abort_process+0064 (0026E1A8)
`thread(3)\`main(15):  Called from: cma__bugcheck+02ac (00258C70)
`thread(3)\`main(14):  Called from: cma__dispatch+00e8 (00255CEC)
`thread(3)\`main(13):  Called from: cma__block+0164 (00255BBC)
`thread(3)\`main(12):  Called from: cma__int_wait+01b8 (0024D248)
`thread(3)\`main(11):  Called from: cma_select+1268 (0023F148)
`thread(3)\`main(10):  Called from: BSDSocketInterface::cma_select+0080 (001E5518)
`thread(3)\`main(9):  Called from: BSDSocketInterface::cma_select (hpux_export stub)      (001E5470)
`thread(3)\`main(8):  Called from: SocketInterface::cma_select+00bc (001E4ED4)
`thread(3)\`main(7):  Called from: SocketInterface::cma_select (hpux_export stub)      (001E4DF8)
`thread(3)\`main(6):  Called from: SelectThread::Process+0168 (002183E8)
`thread(3)\`main(5):  Called from: static SelectThread::StartThrea+000c (002187D4)
`thread(3)\`main(4):  Called from: static SelectThread::StartThrea (hpux_export stub)      (002187B0)
`thread(3)\`main(3):  Called from: cma__thread_base+0204 (002642B0)
`thread(3)\`main(2):  Called from: cma__thread_start1+0034 (002678A0)
`thread(3)\`main:  Called from: cma__thread_start0+0004 (00271024)
dde> list threads
   Thread 1 (Initial thread) BLOCKED
   Thread 2 (System thread) BLOCKED
=> Thread 3 static SelectThread::StartThrea       BLOCKED
   Thread 4 static SelectThread::StartThrea       BLOCKED

Can someon throw any light on this? Thanks in advance.