Integer expression expected

Hello ,

This is the piece of the code which is giving me trouble

if [ ! -r "${SOURCEDIR}/${OUT_FILE}" ] ;then
           exit_proc  "${SOURCEDIR}/${OUT_FILE} does not exists or not readable" 2

word_count=`wc -l < ${SOURCEDIR}/$OUT_FILE`

if [ "${word_count}" -ge "$FILE_COUNT" ] ;then

exit_proc  "Word_count is more than allowed limit" 1
exit_proc  "Word_count is less than allowed limit " 0

When i execute it I get an error like the one give below line 30: [: : integer expression expected

Can someone please assist

Which one's line 30?


The If condition is Line 30

And how is FILE_COUNT set?

This code is being called by another scipt, on that script the file count is defined as

word_length=`head -1 /infadata/Temp/file_limit`

it is passed to this program as a command line argument

Code is

/home/sri/ $word_length

in the calling program


in this program

try printing the FILE_COUNT and see what's the output.
Include the below line at the top of your code and provide us the output

echo "${FILE_COUNT}"


the Echo was not returning any output, so instead of calling it from the caller script and passing it as a Command Line argument, I derived the File count value in this script.and it worked :):b::b:

Thank you everyone for your assistance