Installing RT2500 Wireless network card

I need to install a driver for my RT2500 PCI wireless network card on my Solaris 10.

So I went to the ralink website (the manufacturer of the network card), and downloaded the linux (well supposedly the unix driver) binary file. Burned it to dvd, and copied from the dvd to my solaris computer.

So on the solaris computer, the *.tar.gz file (the binary driver file that I downloaded) is currently in root directory ('cause it's convenient to keep it there for now).

Now how do I install it and configure it? I have tried googling... I haven't found much information that I can understand and confidently execute. I'm sorry, but I'm new to using Unix system. All the tar.gz file is new and I don't know what to do with them.

And even if I have installed it, I am yet to configure it I believe, so I would need help on that. Could someone help me?

Thank you in advance.

It's not supported in any way at the moment in Solaris 10.

Try the development driver from opensolaris:

Which is documented to work on Solaris 10. As it's a development driver don't be too surprised if it's buggy.

Okay, so I went on opensolaris and downloaded the driver.

I manage to unzip and untar it and unpackaged it as the instruction given on opensolaris.

My next question is: How do I configure my network card to connect it with the home router?

Can someone please explain it in the very layman's term? I'm total noob. But I am willing to listen and learn.

Thank you in advance.

how about Intel Pro/wireless 2200BG, there is drivers to for solaris 10..?

thank you for your help

