Installing applications by avoiding GUI

Hi Experts,

Now the problem is when I run the install script inside .app folder, it opens a GUI and asks for user input. I want to avoid these GUI. I want to provide input when i run install script e.g.
$ ./install < inputfile

I used to redirect input from input file to install script. But this works only when i am asking user input from command line only. But in this case my install script opens up GUI.

Will you please guide me to achieve this asap?

akash mahakode

Unfortunately it depends on how the gui application was developed.

You should try:


Look at package creation software and package up your app with the right tools so all needed information is built into the package. Google search the following products

PackageMaker (from Apple)
Iceberg (open source)
Composer (from Jamf software)

If you want to package it up yourself with user input look at running iHook, which allows you to access things like Objective C APIs from shell scripts, so you can custom build a nice little GUI box that says, input X and then outputs what the user inputs into your post flight installer script or whatever.

Thanks, I will check it out.