Installing APACHE - simple question

Ok, this may be a simple question, but I am unable to find an answer. I am trying to install apache 2.2 on a Solaris 9 box (sparc). I downloaded it from sunfreeware, and under /usr/local/apache2/doc/apache2/INSTALL they describe the installing procedure as:

     $ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX
     $ make
     $ make install
     $ PREFIX/bin/apachectl start

However, when I try to run ./configure on /usr/local/apache2 I get

# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2
ksh: ./configure:  not found

I know this is something simple, but I am very new at Solaris 9. Please, shed some light into this. Thank you!

Suggest you cd to /usr/local/apache2/ and run find command to find the correct directory you are suppose to be in.

cd /usr/local/apache2
find ./ -name "configure" -ls

Thanks RTM. Duh!, I downloaded the binary version and was trying to 'configure' it. dumb me.

As far as I'm aware of apache is allready installed in Solaris.

Do a svcs -a and find apache; then

svcadm -v(erbose) enable "apache-command"


Apache is installed by default in Solaris however, the OP was asking about apache2, and also the post was for Solaris 9, the commands in the post above this are valid in Solaris >= 10 only.