installation question / vnc setup

i am a new fedora9 user. i always confused about the usage of rpm and hope someone may clarify along with the VNC setup.
let me use vnc installation as an example. I downloaded vnc rpm package from the official web site and it was automatically saved to /home/henry .. ok then i cd to /home/henry and # rpm -i vnc* .. and it started the installation and seemed it was done.

now, i become having absolutely no idea where VNC was installed to. i couldn't find anything in my /bin, /sbin.. and finally i found my vncviewer under /usr/bin .. however i couldn't find vncserver after an hour of random search. :confused:

would someone please explain a bit how to specify path when trying to install rpm so i can find the stuffs after installation? Or please explain a bit how rpm packages got installed to different area in the system.

thanks a lot

rpm -ql vnc-server