
since i am a newbie to linux im still learning
im trying to install wine and other things using the
$ yum install wine
but the terminal says

[texasone@localhost texasone]$ yum install wine
Gathering header information file(s) from server(s)
Server: Fedora Core 1 - i386 - Base
Error - /var/cache/yum/base/ cannot be found
Please ask your sysadmin to update the headers on this system.

can someone tell me how to update the header

Hi Texasone, the error message indicates that your system / kernel files are old, and you have to update them.
First, execute "yum clean all" to clean the old installation files and headers, then run "yum update" - it will update your system - that may be a long process. If this approach doesn't work for some reasons, install the kernel headers :

yum install kernel-source-`uname -r`
yum install kernel-dev-`uname -r`

or, as a last resort, find the RPM package for Wine, and execute :

rpm -Uvh the-path-to-wine.rpm

i am using a package of wine
i followed the instructions for install/build in the readme file and i the following commands in the terminal/prompt

[texasone@localhost ~]$ su
Password: ******
[root@localhost texasone]# /home/texasone/wine/wine-0.9.58/tools/wineinstall
WINE Installer v0.75

You're running this from the wrong directory.
Change to the Wine source's main directory and try again.

how should i go about this problem
or is there a better program for linux for using .exe files

i just tried the "yum" command approach and i updated my headers (yum update)
now it says that i done have enough arguments

[root@localhost texasone]# yum install wine
Setting up Install Process
Setting up Repos
base 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
updates-released 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
base : ################################################## 2622/2622
updates-re: ################################################## 910/910
Parsing package install arguments
No Match for argument: wine
Nothing to do

"Nothing to do" means no match for download. Use "yum install wine*" with the " * " to match them all, or go here, select a package, download it and install via "rpm -Uvh package-name.rpm"