Install SCO Unix

I had a query on the complete steps which are required to install SCO Unix on whatever Sun/Hp or any other machine. This would help me in installing Unix.

I hope, my question is clear.

Please, help in solving the doubt.


Put in the CD and boot from it and follow the prompts. If you hit a snag, tell us what it is.

I believe the lack of respone you are getting is due to the fact no one wants to write a 1000 page post to answer your question on loading SCO. And believe me, that is what it would be to give you a complete install paper.

Go to and put in your question to the Knowledge base, they have a few simple documents on loading the OS. Otherwise, hit and buy one of the several books you can get on the subject.

Installing SCO on HP involves finding out the server specs and making sure that it is SCO compatible (that the correct drivers is available for use).

Otherwise you'll sit with an expensive box and not be able to install SCO on.

As said previously, will have a knowledge base which you can use - otherwise amazon might help.

Licensing is a pain on SCO. You get one "key" you type into a web page, to get another "key" etc.... take a bit to get installed. Can't wait for this one to finally die. Even if it doesn't die, the install process effectively says, "Please don't install me"