Install NIC on SCO openserver 5.0.2


I am trying to install NIC FastNic 10/100 PCI Ethernet driver into PCI# 3 of the GA-SIML Rev 1.0 Motherboard on 1GB Hard-disk driveI have following the instruction on the CD-Disk and when I added NIC by netconfig and I do not know what is the following question:


the default value for above are 0, I really stack and need help. If you know what it is, please tell

Thank you for your time reading this message

I doubt what you posted above is correct.

You must be careful with spelling, especially when discussing technical parameters.

Also, you will find that you might get more help if you take the time to actual spell important technical parameters correctly when posting a question to a forum :wink:

When the system first powers up, many Bios' show a table containing the amount of memory, processor type, serial and parallel port addresses etc.
Below this table, is a list showing all the PCI devices in the system. The listing shows (without column headings)
PCI Bus, Device, Function, Vendor Number, Vendor Part, Description.
The data from the first three columns is what you are after.
This data can change if you move a PCI device from one slot to another, or if you add a device, and re-configure the PCI bus in the CMOS.

All of the above occurs before you see the "Boot:" prompt.

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Please accept my apologize for mispelling, I worked in dark and hurry ................ so sorry for that