Install CVS Solaris 10

Hello, can someone help me in installation of CVS on Solaris?? ca well even if you or I set out a guide ... hello

Just install the cvs package for your Solaris version and architecture from Define $CVSROOT and you are done if you want to use a local-only repository or existing remote repository.

If you also want your system to act as a cvs server for other systems more steps are necessary, depending on the kind of access you want to implement (pserver, cvs over ssh,...)

I should connect to remote CVS, which is the CVS is on another machine and I should reach it by different users remotely.
I do not know if they are clear. I do not know English very well.

OK, in that case you install the cvs package from as explained before. After that you have the cvs command available in /usr/local/bin.

To connect to a remote cvs server you have to construct the proper CVSROOT variable. Lets assume the remote site uses pserver protocol, your username on that machine is flavio, the full qualified domain name of that machine is and the repository on the machine is in /cvsroot/software (you get that information from the administrator of the cvs server machine).

Then your CVSROOT would be
export CVSROOT

You can put these two lines in your .profile (assuming you are using sh, ksh, bash or simular).

After the CVSROOT is set you can do

cvs login

which prompts for your password on the cvs server an stores it encrypted in the file .cvspass in your home directory. After that you can check out a module from the cvs server and work with the files.

if run

cvs login

i get cvs: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

what it means???

That means, that you are missing a library (libintl). You have to download and install the libintl package from to resolve this.

So, I installaro package of CVS. I created the directory for the repository, I ran the init command to initialize the directories, I set the CVSROOT, but still can not connect. Where mistake?

Can you please describe your setup in more detail, I am confused. I thought, your CVS server already exists on a remote server?

Mine is an installation from scratch. On the machine I have no server for CVS.
You have a detailed guide to install a CVS? I think the best solution ...

Maybe CVS FAQ - Ximbiot - CVS Wiki is a good point to start.