inserting line to a file

I have posted it previously but somehow could not delete the previous post.I felt i could not explain the problem statement well.
Here t goes.I have a file say File1. Now i need a specific pattern from the lines to be added to the other line.


red blue green ABC.txt@ABC END 
black ash grey purple XYZ.txt@XYZ END
orange pink yellow marroon PQR.txt@PQR

Now i want the file to look like this:

#change ABC red blue green ABC.txt@ABC END 
#change XYZ black ash grey purple XYZ.txt@XYZ END 
#change PQR orange pink yellow marroon PQR.txt@PQR 

Kindly let me know how i can do the same

Not the best code you can get:)

$ cat sampfile
red blue green ABC.txt@ABC END
black ash grey purple XYZ.txt@XYZ END
orange pink yellow marroon PQR.txt@PQR
$ sed '1 s/^/#change ABC /' sampfile | sed '2 s/^/#change XYZ /' | sed '3 s/^/#change PQR /'
#change ABC red blue green ABC.txt@ABC END
#change XYZ black ash grey purple XYZ.txt@XYZ END
#change PQR orange pink yellow marroon PQR.txt@PQR