inserting a line after a perticular line


Suppose I have a file which contains many lines,

wake up
study hard
play a little
getting hungry <---- insert a line after this line
watch TV
go shopping
come back home
getting hungry <--- insert a line after this line
listen music
surf internet
go to sleep

I want to insert a line "take some food" after each line which contains "getting hungry".

How can I do that in a easily? Please let me know, I was trying to find some awk command for this but could not.

Thank you very much

What about using while read line; if line match append after the newline etc...else just append to newfile ...etc..done

Few approches....

sed -e '0~4G;' < file | sed 's/^$/insert a line /g'


sed -n '/^getting hungry/ i insert a line '  < file