Insert single quote on every word separated by comma


I have a text file as:-


I need to convert as 'ABC', 'BCD', 'CDF', 'DEF', 'EFG' using a unix command

anybody can help me out on this.


It depends what you really want to do.

Do you want to convert this to an output file or string as 'ABC', 'BCD', 'CDF', 'DEF', 'EFG'

If so, you could:-

while read line
   my_var="$my_var, '$line'"
done < text_file

my_var="${my_var#, }"                # Trim off leading comma and space

echo "$my_var"

Does this meet your needs? If not, can you explain a bit more about what you do need.


it would be good if its in string

Hello jassi,

Following may help you in same, please use code tags as per forum rules too.

 awk -vs1="'" '{A=A?A OFS s1 $0 s1:s1 $0 s1} END{print A}' OFS=,  Input_file

Output will be as follows.


EDIT: Adding one more solution a little different from above.

 awk -vs1="'" '{gsub(/^|$/,s1,$0);A=A?A OFS $0:$0} END{print A}' OFS=,  Input_file

R. Singh

Does the above (reading the input file text_file) not work for you?

The value is stored in $my_var at the end of these few lines and you can use it as you please.

What is the eventual purpose? Perhaps there is a smarter way to achieve your overall aim that we can help with.


Try also this sed solution (need EREs!):

sed -rn 's/^|$/\o047/g;1h;1!H;${x;s/\n/,/gp}' file

Each on new line, based in one of the answers above:

awk -vs1="'" '{gsub(/^|$/,s1,$0);A=A?A OFS $0:$0} END{print A}' OFS="\n" file

Unix sed:

sed -e ':L1' -e N -e '$!bL1' -e "s/.*/'&'/;s/\n/','/g" file

Read the whole file into the memory buffer, then
insert a ' at the beginning and end of the buffer,
replace all intermediate \n characters by ',' .
Variant2, use the hold buffer:

sed -e '1h;1!H;$!d;g' -e "s/.*/'&'/;s/\n/','/g" file

Variant3, converted RudiC solution to Unix sed, also using the hold buffer:

sed 's/^/'\''/;s/$/'\''/;1h;1!H;$!d;x;s/\n/,/g' file
sed "s/.*/'&'/" file | paste -sd, -

to put it in a variable, use command substitution:

var=$(sed "s/.*/'&'/" file | paste -sd, -)
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and the Oscar goes to


In pure bash you could try:

# Change IFS to Support white space on lines
printf -v var "'%s', " $(< file)
IFS=$' \t\n'

# remove trailing ", "
var="${var%, }"

echo "$var"

For input:


Produces 'ABC DEF', 'GHI', 'JKL', 'MNO'

for output 'ABC', 'DEF', 'GHI', 'JKL', 'MNO' (which the thread subject seems to imply)

simply use:

printf -v var "'%s', " $(< file)
echo "${var%, }"

Another shell solution:

var=$( while read L; do printf "%s'%s'" "$sep" "$L"; sep=", "; done < file )

Translating to awk saves the explicit loop:

var=$( awk '{printf "%s'\''%s'\''",sep,$0; sep=", "}' file )

Another pure bash/ksh93/zsh solution (does not require changing IFS):

rec=$(<file); var="'${rec//$'\n'/','}'"

to print:

rec=$(<fname); printf "%s\n" "'${rec//$'\n'/','}'"



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