Insert shell command into first line of output file

How can I insert the command executed on the shell into the first line of my output file?

For example if I execute;

zcat *.gz |grep �User5501� > users.out

How can I make my users.out look like;

zcat *.gz |grep �User5501� > users.out
User5501 PA
User5501 UA
User5501 ZA
User5501 NU
User5501 NA
User5501 RU
User5501 ME
User5501 UAE
User5501 UK
User5501 IR
User5501 RE
User5501 NP

Execute this after you execute your command:

sed -i '1i zcat *.gz |grep "User5501" > users.out' users.out

Thanks, I suppose I could just do this;

echo "zcat *.gz |grep �User5501� > users.out" > users.out | zcat *.gz |grep �User5501�  >> users.out
echo 'zcat *.gz |grep �User5501� > users.out' > users.out
zcat *.gz |grep �User5501� >> users.out